Moose Self-Portraits

Moose fever has been running rampant throughout our school.  It all started two weeks ago when the students were listening to the story Moose on the Loose by Kathy-Jo Wargin and determining the basic needs of the moose and giving a reason for their answer.

The next day when my art cart pulled into the classroom, antlers started to grow out the of the students’ heads.  They had all caught moose fever.  Of course, the most logical thing to do was to draw ourselves as a moose with one of our five basic needs (love and belonging, power, fun, freedom, or survival).

Soon our moose pictures had symbols and pictures that represented what we needed in our lives.  There were so many different kinds of meese.  Some were scuba diving, some were a super heroes, some had really big mustaches, and there were a few pirates, artists, and strong meeses.  We then added color by choosing markers, crayons, or color pencils.

Finally, the moose self-portraits were hung in our school’s hallway, a few were at the Alice and Jack Wirt Public Library, and they could also be found on Artsonia.

If you would like the full digital version lesson it’s for sale at Teacher pay Teachers called Self-Portrait Moose Needs.

Other examples:


Mrs. Berry